HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (2024)

HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back AirTime

We are sitting in a mall working on a story for our day job and decided to check email. Was shocked to see that some of our readers had spotted big news about veteran HSN host Colleen Lopez.

We don’t have all the details, but she has announced that she is cutting back her on-air appearances and that her Thursday night show, “The List,” is kaput.

Here’s what she had to say to her distraught fans on Facebook:

“Please don’t be disappointed – HSN has been AMAZINGLY supportive of me and my request to have a lighter schedule,” Lopez posted. “This is the right choice for me at the right time. I’ve been an HSN Host for 28 years and I’m very grateful and lucky to be able to say say I still love my job. But, I’m excited to not have to work every weekend and every Thursday night starting in March.”

She added, “I will still be on air hosting jewelry and fashion shows every week and I’m so looking forward to all the exciting things we have coming up! Thank you for understanding and for your kind support! XO, Colleen.”

We can understand being tired of the grind of daily work, that’s for sure.

We like Colleen, but were not fans of the quality of her jewelry line, and wouldn’t touch her clothing line.

And while we know it’s hard to come up with new phrases when you are on TV hours on end, days on end, viewers get tired of having the same old phrases ad nauseam. It’s flying out the door. Couldn’t you just die. Get one in every color, etc.

Lopez said she will still be around.

“This is simply my choice to change my schedule!” she said. “I love my job and I’m not leaving HSN!! In fact I’ll still be hosting shows every week!”

Tags: Colleen Lopez, HSN

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  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (1)Stephanie Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 1:49 pm | Reply

    I say good for her. I like her but, like the rest of them. her spiel has become very repetitive. She has even brought in the “mom in the eighties” selling point. The only thing I have not heard her say is “the phone lines are busy” but I don’t watch all that much.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (2)Jerri Says:
      February 19, 2022 at 2:52 pm | Reply

      Lol, she DOES say the phone lines are busy!!
      I found out about this on her Facebook a couple nights ago (posted on previous thread) and was a little surprised. She has already cut back on some air time, but she has a firm grip on that channel.
      The way home shopping is going, however, she’s smart enough to see that it’s better to cut back or leave on your own terms, not get fired on theirs.
      She’s never been a fave by any means, but I really don’t care for her as a host anymore. She overacts and gushes over everything and has gotten, frankly, extremely repetitive. I do wish her well, however, and give her credit for making a move before one is forced on her.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (3)Cleo Says:
        February 19, 2022 at 3:13 pm

        I saw your post yesterday but we had company and I was busy all day, so I didn’t get to reply.
        I certainly don’t mind Lopez reducing her air time, lol. I’m one of her FORMER fans. As a host, she’s become too, too much. But I do agree, she’s smart to do it this way…on her terms. Let’s face it; she’s made her money and then some. Anyone in her position should be grateful they can retire when they want and do it.
        Also, the future of home shopping is looking dim. If it were me, I’d opt out when I could.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (4)Ella Says:
        February 19, 2022 at 9:23 pm

        Good for you, you saw it first. Lopez has a big fan base, but apparently not people on here, for the most part. She’s a good host in some ways, but I think she tries too hard to be hip and with it. “Groovy granny”, as we’ve said before. And, swell headed to boot.
        She isn’t cutting back that much; she’s already on less. And HSN jumps when she says “frog!”, so they’ll give her whatever she wants. She’s old enough to retire, she should just do that. Poor Carlos, this means having her around more! He must care for her, they’ve been married for 40 years. Maybe she isn’t a big diva around him so much.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (5)Lainie Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 5:25 pm | Reply

    I commented yesterday, but more to add….
    Colleen was in high rotation on air, especially in the early 2000s. But HSN has always given her the “queen” treatment. She hosted celebrities, had her own lines of “fashion” and “jewelry”, and seemed to have ample time off for vacations, etc. She and Carlos were always going someplace…or staycationing.
    So being retirement age, she should retire. But she’s cutting back. Not ready to give up her throne. Her ego was sent into overdrive after just a short time on HSN….and then got REALLY bad, early 2000s. This was when I started disliking her as a host. She became very egotistical and snarkworthy. I think Colleen, not Bobbi, will be the last one in the studios when they turn off the lights for the final time.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (6)Linda Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 5:54 pm | Reply

    “Be on the lookout for that”, take a shot every time she says that and you will be in a coma. She is a dip sh*t on a shopping channel, nothing more.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (7)Judy Says:
      February 19, 2022 at 6:29 pm | Reply

      I didn’t see your post till mine went up. You summed it up, in a nutshell.
      After Lynn Murphy got married, you could look at pictures online. The photographer posted them, with some comments, and a short article. In the article he said something close to ” Jerry (Lynn’s new husband) didn’t even realize he was marrying a celebrity!” Uh, dude…..maybe that’s because she ISN’T ONE. There were many comments of that nature following the article.
      These people aren’t even in the category of news anchors. I give them credit for showing up, looking nice (well, not much anymore), researching their products, etc. But the doctor who is helping me with my back pain is worth more in his little finger than all of the shopping hosts put together. I’m not a celebrity worshipper whatsoever, and think most of them are over rated. The home shopping channels hosts aren’t even in their league.
      And all of us on these forums know them, have seen them, etc. There are millions of people who have never heard of HSN, QVC, and the others. There are people who wouldn’t know Colleen Lopez from Jane Doe. And even though I’m one who does know a little about the microcosm of home shopping, I place no importance or celebrity status on any of the hosts.
      Will I miss seeing Colleen often? NO. Will it affect my life? NO. I can still watch when I want and snark on whomever deserves it at the time. And if home shopping vanishes, yes, I will miss it a little. But it will not affect me. Some people base their lives around it and that isn’t good.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (8)Judy Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 6:08 pm | Reply

    “A girl could lose her mind.” “It’s so CUUUTE!” “Oooooooh, aaaaaaah, it’s GORGEOUS!” “Your girlfriends will be so jealous!!” ” It’s a real hand grabber.” “I HAVE to get the _______!” (Item she’s faux drooling over).

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (9)Tasha Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 7:15 pm | Reply

    Colleen was my favorite host up until about 2000-2001. By then her head was swollen badly. She got very egotistical and greedy after that. She was even on a high horse with Suzanne Somers, off whom she must have made a small fortune. Her repetitious catch phrases wore thin.
    Now, I watch her with the sound off. I don’t like her brand of clothes and jewelry, but I watch Designer Gallery sometimes. Or when she hosts Andrew Lessman. I usually watch Andrew no matter who’s hosting, I like his products.
    Anyway, of all the hosts who have evolved into “someone I don’t like anymore”, she’s definitely the worst. Less air time for her is fine with me. Let someone else have a chance to make some money for a change.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (10)Barbara Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 7:25 pm | Reply

    Colleen has already cut her hours a bit, I don’t think it will be that noticable. Once a fan, no more. HSN has coddled and spoiled her way too much. And in response, she’s become an egomaniac that tries to cover it but cannot. Even now, she gets to set her own hours. I doubt any other host can do that.
    She should retire and let other hosts make a ton of money like she has. She has her fan club but I think everyone else is not a fan.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (11)Michelle Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 8:08 pm | Reply

    2000 was HSN’s best year, IMO. It has been snowballing down hill ever since. And I did not care for Colleen, even then, even though she was a little bit more likeable. “Phony liar” was written on her forehead.
    I did enjoy Suzanne Somers with her, but found out after Suzanne’s bumpy exit that there was a lot of phoniness then, too. Shopping channels would sell their mothers’ souls to move a piece of junk they’re trying to sell, and that’s no lie.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (12)Maria Says:
      February 20, 2022 at 5:01 pm | Reply

      I’m a long time HSN shopper, too. I agree about 2000, with 1999 a close second.
      Although I wasn’t surprised, I WAS disappointed that Colleen and Somers was mainly an act, to sell things. Both were unmoved when asked about their “friend” after HSN let Somers go. (Colleen being asked about Suzanne, and vice versa). Nor does either seem interested in a meeting; when asked about the possibility of being on air together again, both were unenthusiastic. “Oh, that would be fun.”😬
      Suzanne felt betrayed by HSN that they let her go. She made no secret of it. Colleen just said “I wish her well”. I realize she may have been bound by contract not to say much, but that was cold, IMO.
      All the laughter, “inside jokes”, etc were just staged to sell stuff. People thinking they’re fun to watch, let’s buy something. Colleen can laugh over nothing, as we’ve seen, so it was easy for her. There was no communication in their off air time, no socializing when Suzanne was in FL….nothing. It was all an act.
      What cracks me up is people still believe it. “Suzanne flies out to FL once a month to bring Colleen her skincare.” Suzanne doesn’t have what else to do?? And Colleen uses whatever she, herself is selling. And THAT’S a lie. And she’s not selling Suzanne’s stuff now. Wake up people, the staged fairytale is over.
      I guess Colleen is friends with Amy; they actually do things together. And apparently Alyce and Callie are friends; they co own a boat. Their shows together are 😴😴, BTW. So some , although a tiny bit, of what you see is real.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (13)Jerri Says:
        February 21, 2022 at 5:15 pm

        I commented yesterday but my post didn’t show up. I think my tablet was spazzing out due to internet issues. Anyway, I don’t want to try to rehash it all, so…
        I’m glad you went somewhat in depth on the Colleen/Suzanne “friendship”. It wasn’t real, and bits and pieces of info came out after they ousted Suzanne (Somers) from HSN. That Suzanne “had never seen Carlos (Colleen’s husband)” was a clue earlier on. She finally said she saw him…and I was thinking it was at the studio.
        They played on Colleen’s laughing fits, and their pseudo camaraderie on air because the viewers liked it. More viewers, more $ale$. Colleen never comments on Somers’ social media. Even Kimberly Wells, who hosted her on HQ comments on her pages. Suzanne S and Colleen were s staged event to sell Suzanne’s products…which they did very well.

        Stephanie, Lainie
        Lainie I’m glad you like the facial yoga. Works for me. A better option than nip tuck.
        Stephanie, Heather looks REALLY STRANGE. She looked so much better before. Another example of what not to do to your face.
        Being in the beauty industry, I’ve seen a lot of it. More looks bad than good, sadly. The best results I’ve seen have been minimal Botox and fillers. Fillers are tricky, but a good surgeon with a light hand can make them work. Ditto Botox. The problem with those things is, they have to be refreshed 2 or 3 times a year. So people opt for surgery as a more lasting option. And in many cases I’ve seen, I wouldn’t want it to last ☹️.
        Anyway, yeah, Lainie, the next home shopping “vacation” will probably be a trip to nip tuck. Adrienne is on tomorrow evening; I’ll watch if I can or look at the video later. Doctor appointment tomorrow ☹️😐🙄😒. Always fun.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (14)Bob Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 8:38 pm | Reply

    I don’t mind if man hands cuts back, lol! I watched HSN a lot with my wife some 20 years ago; she’s cut way back due to negative changes on home shopping. But still watches Lopez on some shows.
    Finally after all these years of watching the fakeness, my wife sees Lopez for the fake she is.
    And I do not see why people fawn all over her. She looks like Liberace in drag, complete with manlier hands than Jerry Seinfeld’s (TV show) girlfriend. They’re smooth, they’re soft, and plump and manly. Don’t slap me with one of those paws!!
    Yes, a girl could lose her mind, because it’s ooh aah gorgeous, cute, I’ve gotta have that, your girlfriends will be so jealous, watch out for that one, your 80 year old mom would even love it, you won’t see yourself coming and going, the phones are really getting busy, there’s only 1 per state, I can’t WAIT to show you this, this is the best price HSN or anyone will ever have for this, the tanzanite mines are drying up in Tanzania; we might never see any more again so but this (cheap looking, gray) ring with small stones so you will at least have some tanzanite, I ALWAYS use this brand (said about 50 brands of skin cream), I want you to have first peek at this, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (15)Lainie Says:
      February 22, 2022 at 4:22 pm | Reply

      I remember the “Tanzanite drought” of 2000. HSN, especially, had these very small, almost gray stones, and were trying to unload them. “We don’t know if we will ever have any more Tanzanite, so get this while you can”. Colleen, Dan, Lynn…..all of them talking about how scarce Tanzanite was becoming.
      Lo and behold, a couple months later, there’s more Tanzanite!! And it was actually blue! Wow, it’s a miracle!! And no hosts ever referred back to the Tanzanite “shortage”.
      If you look around here, read the exchange between Maria and Jerri, about the fake friendship between Suzanne S and Colleen. And it isn’t just HSN. They all do it….lie straight faced to sell their crap. Fake on air friendships. Lying about limited quantities to get you to buy. Now, using a flex pay as the full price. It’s really a crooked way to do business.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (16)Stephanie Says:
        February 23, 2022 at 1:08 pm

        Lainie: Using a flex pay as the full price is a pet peeve of mine. Amy M did it so blatantly a couple of weeks ago I turned her off. All the shopping channels do it, you are right. I think they think their watchers are dumb.
        Went to TJMaxx to look around yesterday. I noticed their new spring items look a lot like what I’ve seen on home shopping, for half the price or less at TJM.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (17)Lainie Says:
        February 23, 2022 at 5:35 pm

        That flex pay as the full price thing has gotten more and more common as time goes by. They need to STOP THAT. And they need to clarify. “This cream is $80, but $20 gets it home on flex pay. You have 4 flex pays of $20”. That’s how you say it. Not “it’s $20”.
        Amy does that more and more; Val does it, too. I’ve heard Colleen do it a few times, as well as others. It’s dishonest and misleading, and I’m quite sure, technically illegal. I like Amy but I watch her much less now. I don’t like being treated like a dimwit under any circ*mstances!!

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (18)Kim Says:
        February 23, 2022 at 7:18 pm

        Watched Colleen the other night with her “collection”. HSN must be stark raving mad with those prices. $60+ for that cheap, ugly vest. And some of the other prices for her tired styles. Off shoulder/cold shoulder is OUT, Colleen.
        TJM and Marshall’s have good, hard to beat deals, and way better styles.
        And saying a flex pay as the actual price amount is just bad business. And is very irritating.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (19)Abigail Says:
      February 22, 2022 at 7:48 pm | Reply

      Lol, man hands, that’s Misty from JTV, their in house queen, she has mitts that look like a 75 year old farmer in Iowa, hands that should NOT be showing some of the dainty, cheap stuff that channel peddles.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (20)Bette Says:
    February 19, 2022 at 9:11 pm | Reply

    What she’s cutting back is not that much, and barely noticeable. It seems HSN gives in to all her demands. It would be fine if they treated all the hosts equally.
    She’s definitely not a fave of mine, so I won’t miss her being on a couple less hours per week. And as others said, she was smart to do this on her time and terms. I do believe all the shopping channels will be closing in the not too distant future, and all the leftovers will be on Amazon, Walmart, etc.
    Just my 2¢, but I think COVID put the final nails in home shopping’s coffin. I totally understand and approve of the skyping of vendors/OAPs, but it is SO MUCH less appealing than having them on air. It makes the program choppy and disorderly, sometimes. I know they have to do it that way, and they should, but I feel it’s not appealing to the audience in the same way.
    Add that to goofy hosts, slovenly (talking to you, here, QVC) hosts, lack of variety, poorly made products, defective products, and high costs all around, and the answer you get is “it’s better at Walmart and Amazon”.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (21)Kim Says:
    February 20, 2022 at 3:19 am | Reply

    Looking at this personally, I’m not a Colleen fan, so….
    Looking at it logically, I wonder if sales will be hurt by Colleen being off air a little more. It doesn’t seem like it would make much difference. Also, the List is getting old, what is it, 8 or 9 years now? It seems they struggle to find stuff to put on it at times. Just because she’s been on HSN so long, I’d hate to see her disappear entirely. But I don’t think cutting back a little will be detrimental to the channel.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (22)Maria Says:
      February 20, 2022 at 4:30 pm | Reply

      I agree with you. I can’t remember exactly, I think the List started in 2013 or 2014…..like you said. It was fun at first but has become stale. And the (very necessary) Skyping has changed the presentations for the worse. HSN will always find ways to show things; there will be a new List in a different form.
      Although I’m not a fan, in Colleen’s defense, after 28 years, catch phrases DO get repeated. Some she needs to cut way back on, and the over acting needs to stop. She has a large fan base, and people buy from her. She’s a good host in most ways.
      I agree, Kim, that her cutting back a little at this time shouldn’t affect sales. She already has cut back a bit, as you said. But I DO think it would definitely hurt sales at HSN, at least temporarily, if she left completely.
      People have come to think of Colleen as the face of HSN. Other long term hosts have their following, but not nearly as popular as Colleen. But, everyone has a retirement date, and Colleen’s has come. People need to understand that she deserves a rest, too.
      And in the very big picture, I believe home shopping is on its way out. I think at first they will stop TV broadcasts, and put everything online, like Amazon. Then, because of the over inflated prices, it will disappear. I miss it, from 20+ years ago, when it was great.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (23)Dianne Says:
    February 20, 2022 at 7:38 pm | Reply

    Many of these posts mention the older ages of some of the hosts. Maybe they want to keep working. If so, let them keep their air time. Many, like Colleen, are ready to retire or have a lighter schedule, and they should be allowed.
    The public thinks we will all go on forever, and although it’s a nice thought, we can’t. Our bodies change, we want to spend time with family, we’ve worked a long time. As fans, we should understand and let them do that. For those of you who are younger, and don’t get it now, you will, when you age.
    Beyond people retiring, and cutting back their hours, there’s also the state of home shopping. Mainly an HSN shopper, I can attest to the diminishing quality and appeal of home shopping. It happened to HSN, to QVC (and who would’ve dreamed they’d be under the same ownership), to ShopNBC/Shop HQ/Evine/Shop HQ, to JTV, and all the others that made it this far.
    HSN is probably about the best one left to watch, even though it can be pretty dismal at times. Colleen cutting back, or other veterans having fewer shows isn’t going to make it any worse or better. It’s on its way out, and it is ending so much worse than it was in its halcyon days. I don’t blame Colleen for cutting back. If it were me, I’d straight up retire.
    I miss old HSN…..and agree with above posters that 1999-2000 were its very best years. Too bad we can’t all go back 23 years in time. We can’t, so we adjust as best we can.
    Not a fan anymore, but I do hope Colleen enjoys her extra time off, and her family. That’s what makes life good.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (24)Judy Says:
    February 20, 2022 at 10:21 pm | Reply

    I watched Keaney hosting Sam and DG2 earlier 🙄😴😒. Keaney was great; she kept the show from dying. As predicted, Sam brought an old ladyish vibe to Gilman’s already tired line.
    Some of the clothes were just a big NO, some were passable but over priced. All a big snooze but ok to eat lunch by.
    Keaney’s facial work has softened, and looks better than former procedures. Maybe it was for correction. Well, it took its time but it worked. She is dressing better and actually looked nice in Gilman’s dreck… especially the pink top. I also like how she showcased the leggings for her figure, which is fuller. She pointed out some features that made them work for fuller figures. I need some to make me look fuller!!! Anyway, that was helpful for curvy folks on the fence on whether to buy them.
    Maybe Sam is there so Diane can cut back. She should just retire, and enjoy her good health. Some people can’t stop, though. I wish I’d retired a few years sooner. A little less $ but worth it.
    One of those lost Sundays; partly cloudy, quiet, nothing on TV…..even the cats are sleeping more today. I think I’ll throw a casserole in the oven, make a little salad, and put some movies on. Sometimes it’s nice to not have a schedule or anyone to answer to.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (25)Stephanie Says:
      February 21, 2022 at 12:44 am | Reply

      Judy: As you probably know, Sam Sabours was the OAP for One World, a Shop HQ line. Old ladyish is the word for the clothes, but they did have their fans, like everything else. He left for the Gilman gig. Talk about having facial work done, I turned into HQ today, which I haven’t done in months but Sonia Bitton was on and I thought I would see what she is selling these days, and it may be my imagination but I did not recognize Heather Hall at first due to the changes in her face. I guess it is inevitable for these hosts to have work done but it’s too bad because it rarely looks natural.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (26)Judy Says:
        February 21, 2022 at 1:59 am

        I knew Sam was from an HQ line, but wasn’t sure which one. Never cared much for One World, as I remember. He definitely has put the granny spin on Gilman’s line….which was hit or miss to begin with.
        Helen Keaney looked nice in the jeggings and top, and I believe being curvier helped those glad rags look better. I’m past retirement age and I feel most of what I saw today was way too old for me. No one wants to look dowdy, at any age. I’ve never been a fan of Gilman’s line, since she switched from washable silks and knits to her over embroidered jeans. Her clothes are not flattering to most people.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (27)Lainie Says:
    February 21, 2022 at 3:09 am | Reply


    I think all the channels ask the designers to hom*ogenize their clothes in a “conservative” direction. In Saboura’s defense, that may be what happened. Also, he may end up Grannyfying more than hom*ogenizing, and the end result is this afternoon’s show.
    I saw part of it, and Helen did make those schlumpy clothes look better. There wasn’t 1 piece that I’d wear, and I’m late 60s. Also, Helen’s cosmetic procedures have relaxed and she looks better.
    I saw Heather recently, too, Stephanie, and yikes! Hopefully that will relax. Why don’t they do a little at a time, like start with a tiny bit of Botox and fillers? Most of them are frightening as heck, and unrecognizable after they get stuff done. When I saw Lynn Murphy’s new face around Christmas…oy!!! Knocked me back in my recliner!!! I’ll keep my original face and do facial exercises, and use good skin care. At least I can recognize myself when I look in the mirror!
    Judy, my little cat was snoozy today, too. It rained all day, was chilly, and I put the heat on. He snuggled with me on the couch, and we were covered with a throw. He has grown and filled out a little, and seems glad to be here. We played a little earlier, and are now back under the throw. I’m thinking about changing into my PJs, making some hot cocoa, and moving us to the bedroom to finish watching TV for the evening in the warm bed.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (28)Stephanie Says:
      February 21, 2022 at 12:42 pm | Reply

      Lainie: so I didn’t imagine it about Heather. Kendy is another one that has had a lot of work done. But back a few years she was looking very tired. I don’t know how some of these doctors get away with the faces they are producing. I remember years back when Roseann Barr had work done and it looked natural I thought. But most of the time it doesn’t. As for the clothes they are showing for spring, enough with the leggings and bring on some nice fitting pants. Not that I’m buying. I have tons of clothes and hardly go anywhere to wear them.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (29)Lainie Says:
        February 21, 2022 at 4:23 pm

        No, your eyes are working fine. I hadn’t seen Heather in awhile and she really looks different now.
        Roseanne did look natural. I think they jump the shark with 2 things: too much fillers, and doing too much work around the eyes. 2 really standout examples about the eyes: the late Kenny Rogers, and the Kate Burt Reynolds, may they rest in peace.
        Another one who looked great with natural results is Barbra Streisand. She had natural looking work done, and then somewhat recently, had more work done. She looks weird and “done”, now. People, when it looks good, STOP.
        It seems most of the TV shopping hosts do it. There’s a mad obsession in this country for so called perfection. And an even madder obsession to stay young. I saw a program about plastic surgery gone bad awhile back, and if that isn’t an incentive to stay natural, nothing is!!
        Kendy has had a lot of work done, and she did look tired. She looks great now, but not very much like Kendy 😬.
        The HSN hosts have all had work done. There’s a lot of plastic on the HSN campus. Lynn needs to stop, Helen, too. They’re ok right now. I think Bobbi may have stopped….I hope. Lopez recently got pulled tighter than a sail at full mast, vendor Carol Brodie looks like an alien, and Connie Craig Carroll has enough Botox in her forehead that a cosmetic surgeon could use her for reserves! Let’s not even start on her eyes and huge cheek implants…oy!! Amy Morrison has had a TON of work done. Amy has also fought 2 rounds of breast cancer. I think doing her face gives her the feeling of control. I get that. She looks great…..just not much like the Amy of before.
        I followed Jerri’s advice and now do facial yoga. It has been a couple months,and I DO look a little tighter and less droopy. I don’t look 25 but I don’t look 69, either!! My sister is aging well, too, but has been toying with cosmetic procedures. Her body, her choice. She lives in the Los Angeles area, so she should be able to find a good doctor if she does it.
        And, how DO these borderline quacks get away with some of these faces? They look like they were done by Picasso in a drunken rage instead of a plastic surgeon 😐. Well, let’s see who goes on vacation next 🤕.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (30)Lainie Says:
        February 22, 2022 at 2:20 am

        That’s the LATE Burt Reynolds, not the Kate Burt Reynolds. f*ckin auto correct!!!

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (31)Lainie Says:
    February 22, 2022 at 2:20 am | Reply

    That’s the LATE Burt Reynolds, not the Kate Burt Reynolds. f*ckin auto correct!!!

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (32)Stephanie Says:
    February 22, 2022 at 2:16 pm | Reply

    Lainie: it used to make me feel so bad for Kenny Rogers when I saw him perform after his latest surgery. Coincidentally Courtney Cox was on GMA this morning talking about how she regretted having so much cosmetic surgery done in order to look young. Maybe some day society will allow people to age gracefully.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (33)Lainie Says:
      February 22, 2022 at 4:02 pm | Reply

      I hope that will happen. I’ve recently read a couple articles in which Cox, who was being interviewed, said that. Her friend Jennifer Aniston has had her share, too.
      People are not supposed to look 30 forever. And what really scares me, is more and more people are having cosmetic procedures done earlier than ever. Once you do the surgery, you’re kind of in a catch 22 to keep it going. Marilyn Miglin: perfect example. She was on HSN in December, I believe, with her daughter. Marilyn is 83, and has been pulled tight for years. Doctors don’t like operating on aging patients unless it’s important, so Marilyn hasn’t had surgery in awhile. Her skin looks looser and saggier now. She still looks nice, but has aged more.
      Adrienne Arpel is starting to sag and droop a little, too. At 80, they probably won’t do surgery on her. If both women had opted for no plastic surgery, they would probably look younger, now. A former client (who has passed, RIP) was the same. She kept having nip tuck, and after she hit her 80s, no more nip tuck and she looked really old after awhile. She lived to be 99, so good for her.
      I hear so many women, and men, here in my own condo complex, say they’d do it if they could afford it. I always say, there must be something more meaningful to spend your money on.
      Take care of your skin, EAT HEALTHY, get some exercise, drink plenty of water, and you will be giving your body what it needs to age optimally. I hope aging naturally will someday be more acceptable.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (34)Abigail Says:
    February 22, 2022 at 7:29 pm | Reply

    Her hours have been cut for me for more than a minute, I just couldn’t watch her in those dated, off the shoulder blouses, I live in Arizona and in the dead of summer I’ve hardly ever seen anyone wearing that getup. That said, I did enjoy her jewelry shows, not her line, other lines, her hands are beautiful for displaying jewelry, unlike say Misty on JTV.

    Enjoy your time with your family Coleen!

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (35)Stephanie Says:
      February 23, 2022 at 1:18 pm | Reply

      Abigail: I’ve recently seen many derogatory remarks made about Colleen’s “man hands” so the other night when she was on selling jewelry I went right up to the TV to catch the closest glimpse I could and honesty, I thought her hands were nice for showing jewelry.
      Misty is funny. I keep waiting for her pony tail to meet the rest of her hair I can’t believe she, a long time veteran of home shopping, lets herself look like that.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (36)Judy Says:
    February 23, 2022 at 5:48 pm | Reply

    Watching Adrienne last night; the HSN TS is her 5 essentials cream. That stuff has NEVER been good. I tried it some years back and my skin broke out in an itchy rash. The companion eye cream was extremely irritating, too. I can’t believe that shi# is a TS!!
    They are out of many of her products online, since well before her visit. It seems like she has the same few products on heavy rotation. I wonder if she’s phasing/being phased out.
    I’ve never cared for much of her stuff, and by today’s standards it’s dirty as all get out. I did like her original caviar line, and her mineral based powders; that’s about it.
    And have I been asleep or mislead 😮? I SWEAR Benefit cosmetics were clean. On closer examination, they are NOT. All high fallutin in their swanky snobby San Francisco stores…and they’re not clean products!!

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (37)Lainie Says:
      February 24, 2022 at 6:05 pm | Reply

      I am originally from the Bay Area, and shopped mostly in San Francisco. I’d heard about Benefit, and also thought it was clean/organic, but was using something else that worked and didn’t want to change, so never ventured over there. Also, I tend to avoid snobby places.
      I never paid much attention when they brought their stuff to HSN; again, happy with what I was using at the time. But they had something…..an eyebrow pencil, I think……that caught my eye so I looked it up. They are neither clean nor organic. And definitely nothing special, especially for the prices they charge. Gimmicky, yes.
      I’ve learned from past experience to not buy skin care or makeup from home shopping. Never what it seems on air, often old/stale, and always a hassle to return or buy again (shopping channels don’t replenish like they should).

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (38)Jerri Says:
    February 24, 2022 at 6:59 pm | Reply

    In case anyone is interested, tonight is the swan song (I believe) presentation of The List.
    Looking at the program guide, it’s mostly a rehash of products they have been selling over the last couple days. Which is why The List has gotten stale. It was full of new things, and a few older products before. But over the past few years, it definitely lost its fresh feeling.
    I can’t blame Colleen for lightening her work load; it’s time. But even if she didn’t want to do that, I think The List has gone as far as it can go. Time for something new. And may I add, I’m skeptical about anything the shopping channels do now 🙄😒.

    As for Benefit, I’ve always thought they were gimmicky. I was never tempted to go into their stores when I lived in the Bay Area. A few of my clients had tried their stuff, and 👎, either for cost, quality, or both. And “clean and organic” were still a little in the future at that time. But I had stuff that worked fine, at the time. And for those wondering, IT cosmetics are neither clean nor organic, and are basically less effective than drugstore brands. For $$$$ more.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (39)Kim Says:
    February 24, 2022 at 8:17 pm | Reply

    Thanks for the reminder. I’d lost track of time, and forgotten it was Thursday. I’d like to watch just because it’s (supposedly) the last show of the List. Wow, you’d think they’d at least come up with some new stuff for it.
    Did it snow out your way? We didn’t get any, but it was, and is COLD. I think we are a bit lower than you, elevation wise. Not a lot, but enough that you occasionally get a dusting of snow and we don’t. I’m through with work for today and am headed out, bundled up, to do my weekly shopping.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (40)Lainie Says:
    February 24, 2022 at 8:48 pm | Reply

    Well, I found out who’s on vacation next. It’s our friend Lynn Lamb Chop. She’s been gone a few days and won’t be back till 1 show on March 2.
    Please have fun in the sun, Lynn, and relax. Please DO NOT do any surgeries, etc to your pretty face. You look fine as you are. And please use sun screen. I hope you and Jerry have a great time.
    I’ll look at the List tonight, for the last show. I agree; I saw the program guide and it’s just a repeat of the last 2days. 😴 But I can at least say I saw the last show.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (41)Jerri Says:
      February 24, 2022 at 10:17 pm | Reply

      Kim, Lainie,
      We did get a very light dusting of snow; it didn’t stay long. We are northeast of Scottsdale, way out in the desert. We have a lot of floor-to-ceiling glass in this house, and the cats get a great view. They were fascinated by the snow, as it was sideways to the windows, occasionally hitting them. They batted at it, then sat almost mesmerized by the falling flakes.
      It was COLD. Still is. I put the cats’ sweaters on them yesterday and they don’t mind at all. They’re still wearing them, and I’m wearing mine. Even with the heat, there’s still a chill. I turn it up at night. SO GLAD I went shopping the other day!
      Lainie, Kim
      I’m not going to watch; post if anything interesting happens, please. Yes, it’s time for The List to go. They should have either kept it fresh, or ended it a few years ago. It has been stale for awhile.
      I noticed Lynn’s absence, too. I hope she has fun and stays away from cosmetic procedures. She’s not on a lot so took me a minute to notice. I can’t believe how sad HSN is compared to what it used to be 😳.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (42)Kim Says:
        February 25, 2022 at 1:53 am

        I figured you had snow. Lol, the cats’ reaction 😻😻. It’s cold here, still, too. My son said they had heaters on in the shop all day. We had beef stroganoff tonight with roasted carrots, peppers, and Brussels sprouts.
        I’ll let you know if anything strange or unusual happens on the list. It’s looking like it will be a 😴.
        I saw Bobbi and Adrienne, too. Yes, either Adrienne found a filter or had some Botox/fillers. I’m thinking filter. My mom and I skyped a couple days ago and were comparing notes on Adrienne’s inventory, product line, etc. It depressed both of us!! And also, how the last 28 years has flown by like the wind. I feel like I’m owed some extra years. Time flew too quickly.
        Glad I did my shopping earlier. Tomorrow is a short day, too. I can just relax. Well, time almost for the List.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (43)Jerri Says:
    February 25, 2022 at 12:27 am | Reply

    Before I get dinner going, I just wanted to add….I watched Adrienne with Bobbi. Adrienne must have found a filter; she looked a little better today. All in all, the line is a sad, depressing shadow of its former self.
    Her stuff is dirty, but it used to be so much better, with so much more variety. (BTW, Judy, I had the same experience with the 5 essentials cream over 20 years ago). She had body creams and kits, many different facial kits, and tons of makeup. I had a good experience with her caviar (original, not the newer one from 2004 – on) line, powders, and corrective color palettes.
    Now, there’s very little to chose from, and that’s why there are fewer products on heavy rotation, as Judy said.
    By far and away, the best skin care line on home shopping is Skinn by Dimitri James. Clean, effective, and well thought out. Everything else, is junk.
    I had a former client who bought EVERYTHING from QVC. Cookware, exercise equipment, clothes, shoes, night clothes, food, skin care, shampoo, you name it, it came from QVC. That was over 10 years ago; we lost track….I wonder if she still buys every. damn. thing. from QVC. I was an avid HSN shopper, but far from everything came from there. My point is, with the evolving poor state of everything on home shopping, I wonder how these all-or-nothing shoppers like my former client are faring on home shopping. At some point, you have to face the music.
    All that’s left is very little, and enjoy that while you can. The world has changed; so has home shopping.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (44)Kim Says:
    February 25, 2022 at 4:50 pm | Reply

    I watched the List last night and it was ok; like Jerri said, a rehash of stuff from the previous 2 days.
    Colleen’s reversible jacket is a straight up ripoff at $80!!!!! Her clothes have exorbitant prices on them now. The watch set was cute, but at $36, too much for a few bracelets that will tarnish after 3 wearings.
    Colleen will be on this Saturday for her last shopping show. I looked at the program schedule for March (it only lets you look to the next month) and her schedule is lighter. Seems she’s off a week or so near the end of the month, then back at the very end.
    I don’t blame her for cutting back, she has enough $$$$ and has worked a long time. In her place, I’d just retire.
    Anyway, today is Curtis Stone and kitchen stuff, so I’ll be watching very little. I can’t believe how my mom and I would watch for HOURS. When I worked, she recorded it, and we’d watch it later on, together. I think Colleen is gradually cutting back, so she’ll be out when it all comes to an end.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (45)Lainie Says:
      February 25, 2022 at 8:27 pm | Reply

      Your cats sound adorable. You didn’t miss a thing last night; it was old news just like you said.
      I saw Bobbi and Adrienne, too. Very hard to see Adrienne retire, but I think she should. She’s still in great shape to enjoy her retirement, and she’s done as much as can be done with Signature Club A under HSN’s “watchful eye”. She’s on less and less, and is down to a few things on rotation.

      I played with my cat during the list, but still managed to see most of it. 😴. I won’t be watching Shopping with Colleen tomorrow; that’s even more of a snooze fest and so what if it’s the last show of the series.
      I looked back at the schedule and she is indeed off a lot in March. I wonder if it really was ALL her idea to cut back, or if HSN is getting ready to clean house. They’ll lose many viewers if they do; most people turn in to see the old guard, and will stop when they’re all gone.
      I used to watch for hours, too. It was more entertainment, actually, than it was shopping. And even though I was online (my job put me out there early), I preferred seeing the products on live TV.
      And your previous post….just curious, don’t answer if I’m being too nosy……was the 28 years that flew related to you and/or your mom, or were you referring to Lopez? That was a major reference to me, too…..1994 was a big year.
      Anyway, I wish you, and Jerri a great weekend. Kitty and I are having company for dinner and for once, thankfully, I’m all caught up with everything!! 😻

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (46)Kom Says:
        February 25, 2022 at 9:37 pm

        I’m not watching Colleen tomorrow, either. This weekend is to unwind.
        No, you’re not being nosy. I didn’t realize, when I wrote my post, that my 28 years paralleled Colleen’s. In 1994, I was single mom to my 3 going on 4 year old son. His dad and I tried, it was no good. I lived with my mom and pre teen nephew.
        My step dad, a good man, came back into our lives. We lived in the Bay Area, probably not far from where Jerri lived. I’ll call my step dad Joe. Joe didn’t like CA, and wanted to go back to Phoenix. Things were changing in the Bay Area and it seemed to be a good idea. So we sent my nephew back to live with his mom (my sister), packed up, and the 3 of us made the long trip out here.
        We found an apartment (was much cheaper to live here), I found a part time job, and went to school. Mom babysat, and I paid her. Turns out she didn’t like being with Joe, and was a royal beyotch for a long time.
        I finished my 2 year, and son started school. I was working mostly full time and was still in school, so needed someone to pick him up from school. Pay didn’t matter, mom was not cool. Meanwhile, Joe stood up for me and son, so I could finish school, get a better job, and move out.
        Somewhere in there mom calmed down, I got my degree, saved up and moved out. She didn’t mind taking or picking son up anymore. Meanwhile, my sister in the BA moved out, so I had 2 sisters in Phoenix. The other one had been here for years.
        Anyway, that’s when mom and I were watching HSN a lot, and we rebonded our relationship. Everything went well, then in 2010 my mom heard from my dad, who was a deadbeat dad, and hurt her during their marriage. He was dying of cancer.
        Out of the damn blue, she packed up her shi_, hopped a plane, and wouldn’t even listen to reason. Joe was heart broken. I felt so bad for him. Anyway, Dad died later that year, and mom moved in with my older sister back east.
        My sister from the BA moved back to CA, and keeps moving, and Joe passed away 😢 about 6 years ago. I own a nice condo and am doing good, and my son has a good career. I’ve mended fences with my mom, but it still is not the same. I gave up; she’s gonna do what she’s gonna do, regardless of the outcome or effects on other people.
        I see my sister here occasionally, and I’m close to my son. There’s a void but not one thing I can do. I miss my mom, but I can’t get over that she really burned some of us, especially Joe.
        So, Lainie, how was YOUR 1994?

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (47)Lainie Says:
        February 25, 2022 at 11:53 pm

        Wow….what a story. I feel bad for poor Joe. It sounds like he was trying to do the right thing, and got shi# on for it. I’m sure he knew you were rooting for him.

        My late husband was a well known San Francisco lawyer. In early 1994, he won a case that saved the reputation and business of a wealthy man. Said man was grateful, and had a party in hub’s honor at his home..,.which happened to be a fancy houseboat moored in the Sausalito community of houseboats.
        Hubs was in love with the houseboat, like a kid with a shiny new toy train. He made tons of inquiries about it, researched it, and the next thing I knew, my Pacific Heights home was being sold out from under me. I didn’t mind —- yet; hubs was the best and I figured it would be an adventure. So in autumn 1994, we moved onto The Boat.
        Chilly 24/7, smelly (the water reeks), always noisy, and I felt like I lived in a fish bowl. We lived there for 3 years, and then hubs got cancer, and passed away. Distraught, unhappy, barely going through the motions….I had him cremated and his ashes scattered at sea. My other half was gone, and I lived on a houseboat which I hated.
        I had frozen the 3+ years we lived on it, so I wanted warmth. I sold it and moved to the Palm Springs area ….closer to my sister in LA, and warmer than any place I’d ever lived. I liked it….for about 9 years, and it started to change. More drugs, crime, and problems.
        I didn’t want to move to LA, so I found this place, which is still nice. I’ve been here for awhile, now..about 12 years. But I’ll never forget the houseboat!! At least hubs got to finish his life out on it.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (48)Lainie Says:
        February 26, 2022 at 12:18 am

        Was crying so I couldn’t finish….

        Sorry, Kim, about your mom. You’re doing the best with it that you can. I don’t know what set her off in Phoenix but it seems she had a grudge against you, your son, and Joe. Ok, so that worked out….
        But…..it sounds like your dad abandoned you guys, and she went running to him like he’d done nothing. Sorry about his cancer, but your mom made the wrong choice in abandoning Joe and you and your son and sisters to run off at his beck and call.
        I’m curious as to what your relationship was to your mom in the Bay Area before Joe came back (and what was that about?) and what made her go batshi# crazy in Phoenix. Ok, so she decided to stay back east…..what’s going on???
        Be true to yourself, and your son. In my eyes, you owe her nothing.

      • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (49)Kim Says:
        February 26, 2022 at 12:41 am

        My mom, sisters and I met Joe back east, and moved to Phoenix with him when I was pre teen. Mom got restless, and took me and the wandering sister to CA, and she left Joe behind. My other sister in Phoenix was married.
        Mom made a life for us, and we grew up, had kids, etc….then Joe talked her into taking him back, but he didn’t like CA. So off to Phoenix we went. Before Phoenix, mom and I were getting along ok, although she got irritable sometimes.
        I don’t know what got into mom. She was crabby and moody, and none of us could do anything right. She regretted moving to Phoenix, and getting back with Joe. But, after a little time, mellowed out and seemed ok, till dad snapped his fingers, and away she went.
        He abandoned her and us, when I was about 5. No help, no child support, nothing. Just him and his floozies.
        I believe mom snapped a little, mentally. That’s no excuse for what she did.
        I make the best of our long distance relationship. I have my son and myself to care about first. Obviously she didn’t put us, or Joe ahead of her foolish actions. It’s a shame that we’re no longer close, but it is what it is and I accept it
        I’m sorry about your husband, Lainie, may he rest in peace.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (50)Lainie Says:
    February 26, 2022 at 4:48 pm | Reply

    Thank you for your sympathy ♥️. It sounds like you have adjusted well to your mom’s change in behavior, and her attitude. Her sense of loyalty is skewed badly. She hurt a good man to go off and be with an ex husband who cheated on her AND ABANDONED HIS CHILDREN. People don’t change, and she should have told him to find comfort in his side hoes in his time of dying. I sure would have!!
    You’re doing fine; I think her living back east is a blessing in disguise. You and your Phoenix sister are better off without her interference. And definitely your son; he was too young to see her bad behavior, but he was grown when she left Bob, so he has an idea of who she is. Hopefully her kids back east are keeping her in a straight jacket. How many brothers and sisters do you have? And don’t tell me they all forgave daddy dearest when he died 😡.
    Take care of yourself and your son. f*ck the rest of your family, if they don’t have your best interest at heart.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (51)Lainie Says:
    February 26, 2022 at 4:49 pm | Reply

    Thank you for your sympathy ♥️. It sounds like you have adjusted well to your mom’s change in behavior, and her attitude. Her sense of loyalty is skewed badly. She hurt a good man to go off and be with an ex husband who cheated on her AND ABANDONED HIS CHILDREN. People don’t change, and she should have told him to find comfort in his side hoes in his time of dying. I sure would have!!
    You’re doing fine; I think her living back east is a blessing in disguise. You and your Phoenix sister are better off without her interference. And definitely your son; he was too young to see her bad behavior, but he was grown when she left Bob, so he has an idea of who she is. Hopefully her kids back east are keeping her in a straight jacket. How many brothers and sisters do you have? And don’t tell me they all forgave daddy dearest when he died 😡.
    Take care of yourself and your son. f*ck the rest of your family, if they don’t have your best interest at heart.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (52)Lainie Says:
      February 26, 2022 at 5:22 pm | Reply

      Apologies if this is a double post. I accidentally used my old work email, and corrected it…. hopefully in time.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (53)Jerri Says:
    February 26, 2022 at 5:20 pm | Reply

    You’re doing just fine. The mom you miss, that you watched home shopping with, doesn’t exist anymore. I agree 💯 with Lainie. Invest your time and love with your son.

    I’m sorry for the loss of your husband. It was a difficult loss, and you handled it well. He knows you loved him, and is watching over you. I’m not religious, but I’d like to think there’s an afterlife.

    My 1994 brought joy. That’s when I found my little Siamese kitten. He was probably born late April or early May of 1994; we celebrated his birthday on May 1st. We had 9 wonderful years with him. He died of lymphoma in 2003. I still cry over him.

    My SoCal kids drove in for a visit yesterday. We’re all COVID negative. We’ve been mingling a little with our local kids over the recent couple weeks, too. The SoCals are staying with their brother and family in west valley today and tonight. Tomorrow everyone will be here for barbecue, the SoCals will spend the night here and drive home on Monday. It’s been a great weekend, so far……so nice to see family again.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (54)Kim Says:
    February 26, 2022 at 6:10 pm | Reply

    Thanks for your words of encouragement. I have adjusted to the new mom; I just wax nostalgic and miss the old one sometimes.
    There are 6 of us kids. I have 1 brother and 4 sisters. I’m the youngest. The sister mom lives with is straight up Daddy’s girl. Mom lives with her because she knows the rest of us are resentful toward him. So she stuck up for mom’s antics, even though it hurt people. If I call and she answers the phone, I tell her to put mom on. I have nothing to say to her.
    I went without a LOT as a kid because he abandoned us. And I needed help some years back, before he got sick, and he pretty much told me to f*ck off. My sister here is next to me in age. She feels the same way about everything. She stood by Joe, too. We are close. The next one up, is The Wanderer. She’s been trying to find herself all her life. Dad bailing on us really had a negative effect on her. I’m not close to her, but she’s in the same camp.
    And Jerri, thank you for your kind words. I hope you have a great visit with your kids. Covid has been a beast… in many ways.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (55)Lainie Says:
    February 26, 2022 at 6:55 pm | Reply

    I’m assuming that the older 3 were on their own/married by the time your dad bailed. Even though it didn’t affect them as much, your older sister, with whom your mom lives, should be more aware of what he did. Perhaps she just doesn’t care. You’re right in distancing yourself from her. And let your mom call you. Let her reach out. I’m glad you have your other sister close by. Blood is NOT always thicker than water. Families can put you through some shi#.

    Thanks for your kindness. I’m so sorry about your Siamese kitty. I think I like animals better than most people……glad you’re getting together with family. I hope your weekend is wonderful ♥️.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (56)Judy Says:
    February 26, 2022 at 8:14 pm | Reply

    Kim, you’re a wise woman. Be proud.
    Lainie, you’re a compassionate woman, be proud.
    Jerri, you’re a strong woman, be proud.

    I watched shopping with Colleen off and on….the usual. I also looked at the schedule, and she isn’t on much in March. I hope she does enjoy her time with her family.
    Recent viewing of the Q has left a very bad taste in my mouth. I think I’d rather watch HQ. HSN is about the best, and that isn’t saying much 🙄😒.
    Tomorrow is Iman day. I feel bad for her loss of David Bowie, but in general, never cared for her. She seems haughty and uppity. If you think you’re too good for home shopping, then don’t go on it. She usually treats the hosts like crap.
    I’ve never bought any of her dreck, but my SIL is a big fan. Apparently, it was made pretty well in the past, but recently the quality has gone WAY DOWN. My SIL recently returned 3 items of Iman’s. She said sizes were off, and the material was thin and would lend itself to pilling, or wear out quickly. Also unfinished seams. In other words, JUNK. If bored tomorrow, I may watch just to see which host she slaps around the most 🤔🤭🤗😬.
    Today I played with my cats, did some cleaning, and pre made a few small casseroles. So there’s dinner for 4 nights, made ahead, just bake and eat. Tomorrow I’ll take it easy and do a little laundry.
    It’s amazing how we’ve become so accustomed to having HSN on, or others, and now, it’s not very watchable. Add vendors and OAPs skyping, and it only gets worse. And this is stupid, but the “outdoor scenery” visible from the stage “house” on HSN doesn’t seem Floridian, it looks just like Murrieta, Menifee, or Julian, CA. I’ve been there a few times.
    I’m with (I believe it was) Jerri……bring back the late 90s/very early 2000s sets from HSN. Simpler, better, easier.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (57)Jerri Says:
    February 26, 2022 at 9:22 pm | Reply

    BINGO!! THAT’S where I saw HSN’s “outdoors”. When we lived in SoCal, we made several trips to that area. I kept thinking HSN’s set reminded me of somewhere… definitely NOT FL (I’ve been there, too).
    I’ve halved, and marinated 5 chickens, pre made 3 large loaves of garlic bread, made 2 kinds of biscotti, made lots of polenta, and gathered up the vegetables I’ll clean and prepare tomorrow. Mr and our sons, and possibly grandsons will man the grill tomorrow. I’ve also pre made 3 carafes of cold brew coffee, so there will be plenty of that, and bought several bottles of San Pellegrino lemonade. There will be a nice feast tomorrow, and I won’t be stuck in the kitchen all day thanks to good planning. With ice cream and biscotti for dessert.
    It will be hard to say goodbye to the kids, but hopefully we can visit them soon. I’m not big into traveling, but home on the range can get tiresome.

    • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (58)Jerri Says:
      February 26, 2022 at 10:23 pm | Reply

      ETA not an Iman fan, either. Cold and snobby. Retire, or work in gardens someplace where people aren’t subjected to your cold attitude. These hosts that you treat like servants are helping to sell the crap you call clothing. Either learn to be nice or go tf home.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (59)Lainie Says:
    February 27, 2022 at 12:03 am | Reply

    Oy! Everyone else is getting stuff done. Other than play with and take care of my cat, I’ve done nothing. Skyped with my sister and watching TV.
    I agree about Iman. She’s as cold as a deep freeze. And although the hosts can get on my nerves, I ADAMANTLY BELIEVE THEY SHOULD BE TREATED WITH COURTESY AND RESPECT. After all, they’re trying to move your schmatte and dreck!!!!
    She can’t hitch herself to Bowie’s star anymore so she’d better improve those rags she calls clothes. I ordered some tops a couple months ago. Paper thin, with tiny seams and the fabric was already pilling. I sent that shi# back and let them know why. My friend here made the same comments about her clothes that your SIL did, Judy. Either improve your dreck and your attitude, or leave. I lost my husband when I was 46, and I still miss him terribly. You’re not the only widow, Iman.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (60)Kim Says:
    February 27, 2022 at 12:26 am | Reply

    I had lunch with my sister (local) today. We talked about a LOT. She’s an empty nester, but my nephews live close. It’s just her and her husband. She misses mom, too, but feels the same way I do. Makes me feel better, and we’re both going to let mom reach out to us.
    I noticed Iman being rude to Amy and Suzanne. I never got it. She’s no better than the rest of us. And her clothes are nothing special.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (61)Lainie Says:
    February 27, 2022 at 5:03 pm | Reply

    I watched Runyan, who looked nice, BTW, last night…volume off, as usual. No Iman, except a short of her talking to some unknown person 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. The “collection, 👎.
    This AM she’s on with Nicole, again, muted….and it is Iman, so puffy lipped and stretched that she’s unrecognizable. Some of the worst work I’ve seen. And all the while, managing to be a beyotch, because Nicole’s face didn’t seem too happy at times, and she’s usually pretty chipper. The clothes are fuuuuugleeeee and the bags look cheap af.
    Anyway, I’m playing with the Little Guy all this time and he’s happy as can be. Definitely bigger and filling out. I’m so happy I found him.
    Anyway folks, that’s the recent recap on Iman. Watch for the freak show but save your money.
    Adding…. Runyan dodged a bullet last night, good for her.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (62)Judy Says:
    February 27, 2022 at 11:41 pm | Reply

    Iman’s stuff is a joke. The jeans have teeny tiny pockets in back, up high, and not angled….making your butt look saggy. The tops are straight up grandma style. She was a little friendlier than usual today……but good grief….that plastic surgery!!!! Those lips!!!!!! Her eyes are barely open!!!! Gah!!!!!! Her skin looked lighter too, WTH!!!! I hope she doesn’t have to use face recognition to unlock her phone. Phone says “Who tf are you?”
    I’ve watched a tiny bit of Jay King, now on with Adam 😴😴😴😴. Jay’s line is expensive, repetitious, and unimaginative. It’s as though several years back, his creativity left his body in his sleep. Adam is doing his best, but nothing can revive that boring line. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE JEWELRY ON HSN?!?!?!
    Anyway, I hope you all had a great weekend. Jerri, yours sounds like a winner. Glad you get to see your family 💗. I think it went by way too fast, and I’m retired!! A friend and I are going outlet shopping tomorrow. I don’t expect much, so hopefully I won’t be too disappointed. We’ll have lunch at a restaurant around there, and make a day of it. I’m looking for a winter coat on sale, a couple pairs of jeans, and a couple pairs of dressier pants. A few colder weather tops would be nice, too. My practical side says I won’t find a darn thing. We’ll see……

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (63)Sylvia Gaines Says:
    March 25, 2022 at 1:17 am | Reply

    Love Colleen but noticed the decrease of air time. Praying the best for you.🌹

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (64)Debra A.Carr Says:
    March 28, 2022 at 2:12 am | Reply

    I want be watching HSN as much now that she will not be on as much.The world the way it is,it was refreshing to turn on and see someone who enjoyed what she did and hear the excitement that she had about Jewelry.i learned a lot from watching her show.She is my favorite hostess and I enjoyed her show.Thank you Colleen .

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (65)Deb M Says:
    April 1, 2022 at 1:05 pm | Reply

    Colleen has her daughter in law involved with her fashions and her son has a jewelry store in Tampa area. I am sure they are all making money off of HSN. It seems they have always treated her different then the other hosts and I don’t know why. They must be making a good living they are always taking vacations, and she wasn’t working that much anyway. I think the only reason she does not retire totally is because of all the family involved in HSN as well. Debbie D is taking over THE LIST but I am not all that crazy about her either.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (66)Diane Frame Says:
    October 3, 2022 at 6:48 am | Reply

    Your items are CORNY AND PLAIN!!!

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (67)M Devargas Says:
    December 3, 2022 at 7:21 am | Reply

    i almost cannot believe that CL makes or made 900,000 a year on HSN- seriously??? for what?? someone please tell that is not true

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (68)Carrie. Mazur Says:
    August 7, 2023 at 11:09 pm | Reply

    Well Colleen. I am going to miss you. Oh well you must not like it as much like you did.

  • HSN Host Colleen Lopez To Slow Down, Cut Back Air Time (2024)
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    Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-12-23

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    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.